Thursday, November 29, 2007

Been a While!

Well, I thought I'd check in to see when the last time I was here...I guess it's been a while. I've been lacking in the dedicated blogger department.

Today, I find myself sick with pneumonia. Took an unpaid day off to try to allow the meds to kick in and start working. Hope it works soon because I'm not really able to sleep a whole lot.

Well, since my last visit, I've been at my job for four months...still loving it. Although, I've made a discovery about myself...I really love organizing. It's one of my passions. And, I'm good at it. So, all these little changes are learning curves that we all must experience no matter how small or insignificant we might think they are. I'm on the road to self discovery...learning things about myself that I wasn't really paying much attention to before.

I'm beginning to get the hang of my new boss is great and so is my co-worker. It makes a world of difference when you enjoy who you work with. I really think I could learn a lot from him on how a business should be run. He's very anal and particular about how he wants things done but I like it. He knows what he wants and doesn't settle for anything less. Nothing wrong with that, in my books.

My volunteering with the youth ministry is still keeping me quite we've been having the teens over on Friday and Saturday nights for movie nights. Boys choice on Friday's and girl's on Saturday. We made up two rules...everyone has to find there own way home and have to be out by midnight. It's less exhausting for us this way. Plus, our car is really too small to transport more than the recommended number of people.

In October, I threw the kids a Haunted House/Halloween was a huge hit. Everyone had fun. It may become an annual event but if I do it next year...I have to outdo myself. It gave me an idea about possibly starting a theme party business. I get lots of practice setting up environments each week for the youth ministry stuff so why couldn't I come up with themes for parties and decorate accordingly. Just a thought!

Anyway, I also will be throwing a Christmas Cabaret party too for the kids. I'll be having fondues for that as well. Just to give the kids a little different type of party. They are all looking forward to it.

Well, I must go and rest...this pneumonia really takes its tole on a person.

Take care and God Bless everyone!

Monday, August 27, 2007

To New Beginnings!

Well, I've left my dreaded other job and have begun on the road to a new beginning. I didn't go very far...just across the hall. This company was offering me what I was looking for...with a title, nonetheless. I'm now an Executive Assistant! I have my own office, complete with bathroom...and I'm treated with respect and dignity. I also didn't need to take a pay cut, which was a bonus! I love it! This new boss is stern but I know where I stand with him...he makes sure I get my breaks and full lunch. It's so nice to be cared about and actually taken into consideration.

I think, all in all, it's a matter of doing what you enjoy doing, being treated with respect and actually respecting the people you work for.

The other aspect in my life that is keeping me quite busy is the youth ministry...I'm always on the go but spiritually I'm very fulfilled. I'm having a ball using my gifts and talents God gave me and knowing that it's for good is wonderful. The kids are great too!

My life at the moment, is wonderful...a little exhausting at times but if I can organize it in a way that I can handle, I should be fine. I also need to make the most of my time, as well.

Well, I must run...take care and God Bless!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Finally....I'm free!

Well, I've finally quit my job and will be moving forward to a new job. I have been mentally abused for long enough there. At my age, when you have to second guess your every move and what you say...somethings definitely not right. One of them was really good at manipulating me so it was not a healthy place for me to be. He thinks we left on good terms but I hold a lot of bitterness and resentment...which I need to let it go or else it will eat me up and spit me out...but maybe that's what he was planning. After all, he's not happy that I'm jumping ship...and they don't get mad they get even...he gave me my vacation pay and basically ripped me off $400. I'm going to see the labor board on Monday to see if I have any rights in this case. Something just doesn't add up.

The job across the hall came along when I needed it. I will be starting in August...I'm on vacation this week. Our daughter comes home for a visit and we look forward to seeing her.

Still quite busy with the volunteer work and still enjoying it. LOVE the praise and's my favorite.

Other than that, it's probably all that's new with me...can't wait to start the new job...I'll be back to 8:30am to 4:30pm hours for a bit but that's OK cause my husband will be letting me use the car for a bit. He wants to start walking to try to lose weight.

Anyway, that's all for to you later!

Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well, I guess you could say that things are changing for me...slowly but surely. I've been volunteering at my church in the youth ministry called Life Teen program. We do an evening mass on Sunday evenings from 6:15pm to about 7:50pm. No one really minds that it goes for that a matter of fact, we have to encourage people to leave because they stay to talk to one another afterwards.

At around 8pm we go to the center and entertain the teens with skits, talks, prayer, games, music (praise & worship) and of course, we have environments that we've set up previously to coordinate with our theme of the evening. I'm getting a chance to use my gifts and talents that God gave me and having so much fun.

We've met other families and grown quite close together as a community because of this. There were people we'd just know to say 'hello' to before and now, they know our's so wonderful!

Our son is in the music ministry plus he helps out on Friday nights with the Edge, which is the group for the kids in grade 6 to 8. It's quite similar to the Life Teen program. We do similar things with them as well.

He has blossomed with this as well...he used to be shy and uninvolved until he met some of the Net Team in person...they made him feel quite welcome and it began from there. We were at risk of losing the program so I decided to follow my heart and volunteer...I filled out the paperwork...and this weekend, we (my husband and I), will be commisioned into the Core Team...we were Leaders In Training before. I just feel the need to continue because I know that's what God wants for me.

I seriously have felt myself growing with outlook on everything has literally feels like a lightbulb went on inside of me. I feel alive and happy. I know that this doesn't pay the bills but it's giving me more confidence than I ever thought possible and I feel that it's just a matter of time before I take that 'leap of faith' and go for my business.

Right now, I'm quite busy helping out with all this...literally, I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday evenings, and Sunday from 1pm to 11pm completely booked with the volunteering. Which leaves me with Monday, Thursday and Saturday to get anything else done that I'd like.

I will be finding out on Tuesday whether I will have the chance to start soon with the job across the hall. If its meant to happen, it will. Right now, I'm basically following where God wants me to go. I seriously don't feel afraid anymore...this feeling is so awesome.

I will probably be working on it (my business) this Monday because I have it off because of Canada Day. I'll be getting some info together to get a website up and running...I have a friend who will be helping me get this up and off the ground. Then I'll be getting my business cards done and I want to get a list of people to contact (like realtors). I know of a couple who I might be able to work with. It will all be a wait and see thing.

Anyway, that's what's been going on with me so far...I know the posts have been few and far between but as you can see...I've been quite busy...but I'm happy. It is sometimes hard to be patient but overall, I've been quite patient, if not, almost dead inside...since joining this youth ministry, I've come to my future feels hopeful and exciting!

Take care and God Bless!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Wow, I have been trying a lot of new things lately...I joined this new craze that's going on right now called, Facebook. It's pretty cool because you can find people that you went to school with or haven't seen in quite a long time. Or find that you have a few people in common.

The other thing I've done is msn I could communicate back and forth with my daughter, who lives away. We had a conversation going and at the end of it had quite a good time. It may not be new to anyone else but to me, it's new. I've often watched my kids talk to their friends on these messenger sites and always wished I could do that too...and now I can.

As far as the business stuff is going...I'm looking into getting a logo done and also a website. These are slow steps but steps none the least. I've got to keep pushing through...otherwise, it may not happen.

I've got new responsiblities involving my church group that I belong to...just loving it and having a ball. Volunteer work is very fulfilling, especially in this case. My family is enjoying it and having a lot of fun!

Positive thoughts! God Bless!


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Been a While

Well, it's certainly been a while since I've been here...I've been quite busy helping out with the Youth Group at our church. There's a lot of planning involved with these weekly Life nights. We have lots of help with many volunteers though. It's wonderful...on Sunday, one of the Life Team members said that what they have accomplished in 9 months usually takes three years to do. That's amazing, if not a miracle.

I've got lots of responsibilities...besides helping plan the Life nights, I now have to put the information into the bulletins from week to week. The problem is, is that I was never trained. I just found out Tuesday and they leave Thursday. Plus, my husband and I have to do the bulletin boards too. We don't mind as long as we know what's going on or how to do it.

We have to do a lot of letter writing to try to fight to keep this going throughout the summer too. Some people are trying to stop it.

On another note, I'm trying to eat a little healthier or at least trying to cut's not easy but I have to at least give it a try. I feel just too uncomfortable in my own skin. I need to do something before it's too late, after all, I'm 40, probably have high colesterol (only because I haven't checked it lately)and there's diabetes and heart disease in my family history...oh yeah, and I'm overweight (about 60 to 65lbs.)

I'm getting really tired,...I suppose I should get to bed...I've been going to bed way too late lately.

Bye for now,


Monday, May 28, 2007

I Know...It's Been A While

I know, it's been a while since I've posted...but I've been quite busy. Getting involved with the youth ministry at my church was a lot more than I thought it was going to be but I'm sure it won't be like this all the time. It's only because the Life Team is still here and they're trying to prepare us for when they leave in a couple weeks. And of course, there's a lot of parties held in their honor.

We had our first evening basically where we planned it, set it up, and executed it...and I must say, I think it went rather well. I was pleased at the end of the evening. I think the kids were too.

My calendar is quite full...besides working a full time job...of which, I'm hoping will change soon (I'm just waiting for the OK to officially apply), this week, my evenings are pretty much filled right through till Friday. It's crazy. There's meetings, banquets, invitations for supper on behalf of the team...although I'm finding, it's sort of helping with time management.

I'm in the process of rethinking my business plans as well...I'm just researching it for now but plan on doing some serious thinking on it...and hopefully, I'll be able to do both or maybe part time at both...I don't know.

Anyway, I do feel that good things are in store for least I have hope.


Monday, May 21, 2007

What an experience!

Well, I just came back from a Spiritual Retreat this past was called 'Raising Up an Army' and was held in Amherst, NS. It was truly an uplifting experience. I felt almost lost when I arrived there but felt like a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders once I left. It was so awesome!

There were skits, mass, men's groups, women's groups, music ministry, and the boys had a huge pillow fight. It's geared for mostly the teens but everyone (we were mostly supposed to be chaperones) can benefit, of course. There was a four-hour adoration with confessions. There was a lot of crying and unburdening but certainly well worth the trip. It was fun.

They have another one being held in October...hopefully, we can experience it again. Apparently, this has been going on for the past 16 years. The priest that they had guest speaking, walked on his hands for the kids. That was pretty cool. What person can actually say they've seen that?

Anyway, it's back to reality tomorrow and back to the j-o-b. Oh well, at least I'll have the happy feelings from the weekend to get me through.

Take care and God Bless,


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy mother's day to all the mother's out there. I have a full day planned for myself. I'll be helping a friend paint a room in her summer home. I have to be back in time to help decorate for the teen church group that I've just begun helping out with. It's a new volunteer project that I will be helping with.

Somewhere in there, I have to have a quick visit with my mother and then it's off to church and then the Life night with the teens. I'll probably need a day off just to keep up.

Since I last posted, I've spoken to the company owner across the hall from where I work. I heard through the grapevine that his secretary left. He told me she's on stress leave. I asked if I can apply for the position. I can, after six weeks. That's when she's supposed to come back...but he doesn't want her back.

My reputation as a hard worker is what makes him want me for the job. I also know that he's a dedicated boss and mine isn't. It's been truly annoying practically running this's like having your own company with your hands tied behind your back. It's not for me. I never asked for it and I don't want it. It's only going to get worse because my other boss, his brother, is planning on leaving to become a it will only get more hectic from there.

I have to make the move now, I feel. If I don't, I never will. I feel I can get the same options at this new company as I have at my old job plus I get benefits which I don't at mine...I've already let him know that I plan on starting my own company but I'll need to talk to him to work out any details.

I figure, I'll use these six weeks to get my business set up with advertising, website, business cards, promotional materials, etc. Plus, I want to make a list of people to contact to let them know that I'm out there. Set everything up, and then wait and see. It's a scary prospect but I'm excited about putting everything into play. I've got the Fast Track community to back me up and ask advice if I need it.

Not to mention, I have a lot and I do mean a lot of books to read. It could be overwhelming but I can't afford to think about it right now...I must move forward and onward.

Here's to a new adventure!


Friday, May 4, 2007

Going to the Chapel...

Just returned from a wedding reception...earlier a wedding. A friend of our's father got remarried after being a widow for a year or so. He's 70 something...and quite a little spit-fire. They're actually both widows.

I really hope I have his energy when I get to be his age. They're so happy. It was really wonderful to see. I was just realizing that it's the first wedding that I've ever been to that the bride and groom were much older.

My husband was hired to take the pictures...he puts it on CD/DVD type thing and then puts it to music. It's his new business venture. He loves doing that sort of thing. It's done almost like a powerpoints presentation.

Our friend wants to give it to his father as a wedding gift. It'll be very nice when it's all done...and a nice surprise.

I must say, the difference between going to a young couple's wedding and going to an older couple's is the time you get home. The young ones can party all night or at least til after midnight and the older ones only party til 10 pm.

Congratulations George and Tanya! Best Wishes!


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hey, All!

Well, another day has come and gone...I did purchase another ebook on Home Staging on the weekend. Plan to read it soon.

I figure, I can't have too much information on my dream job. And as I figure it, knowledge is power. The more I can take in, the more comfortable I'm going to feel once I'm out there.

The thing that attracts me so much about Home Staging is that it's got all the things I love to do wrapped up into one job...I love to decorate, I love to de-clutter and organize...I'm in my element when I can take chaos and turn it into something functional, as well as, what I think is a work of art. Neatness is a beautiful thing, especially if it's well done. With Home Staging, I can be creative...I can create's all about the package you present to the public to purchase.

After all, you wouldn't buy a car if it were dirty, full of garbage and needed some maintenance, would you? That's what home staging is take a house, you de-clutter it, organize it, clean it til it sparkles and then you decorate it and make it into a home. A perfect package to sell to the public.

That's what I create that magic. Take that burden off the homeseller and make the buyer jump at the chance to buy my product. A Home!

Every day, I can feel myself evolving and changing the way I feel inside to where I want to be...listening to Valerie's CD's really help. I belong to the Fast Track to Your Dreams community...Valerie Young is the founder of the Changing Course newsletter and the Fast Track community. It's designed to help people like myself, achieve our dreams in life, at whatever age.

Personally, I think Valerie is a Godsend...she gives hope when you think you have none...she helps you realize that you are indeed human. All the information (books and CD's) that came with the program have been so helpful. I'm slowly listening and reading through the material and I seem to be finding either people or the information that I need when I need it.

If that's not God's intervention, I don't know what is!

Til next time!


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Know It's Been A Few Days!

Well, I know it's been a few days since I've been here, but with good reason. I've been quite busy getting my presentation ready for my Intro to Interior Decorating class. Of course, it was sooo last minute rush. I worked right up to 15 minutes before the class. Whew! I know I just gave new meaning to cutting it close.

I did it though...I was third to present. I, of course, forgot a couple things but over all got good reviews from the rest of the class. The teacher had us give everyone positive feedback on sheets of paper to everyone after they were done. It was like getting fan

It's so great how everyone in the class (16 in all), can present the same room but have a different spin on it every time. That's what I love about decorating...there are only good really wrong answers. There were some really great ideas presented.

Overall, it was a fun learning project. It gave me a really great outline for researching a project from start to finish. Mind you, it's a little different way of doing things for really is a long process that I just go with the flow when I work...I wait for the inspiration to hit me and off I go and build from there.

It was a great learning experience,


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An Evening To Myself!

I went to my Intro to Interior Decorating class last night and rather enjoyed it. It was great practice for when I Home Stage. We looked at rooms in houses that were on the market 6 months ago and we dissected them. Picked them apart so to speak. These houses believe it or not were in the value of $259,000. I was really shocked at how little you could get for that price. I expected more for the value.

I'm sure I'll come across more than that though...mind you, that's where I come in. I know I can make these homes look much better and add better value to these homes. This exercise really reassured me as to my own skill at doing this.


I went to work intention was to just go in for the morning and come home in the afternoon...that didn't happen. Both my bosses aren't feeling good either. Since I am on the mend, I offered to stick around. I'll be in the whole day tomorrow. I was hoping to rest and listen to another course.

But as luck would have it, I have the evening to myself tonight...the boys are out (husband/son), so my plan is to throw a load of laundry in and listen to another course. Hopefully, I'll have no interuptions!

Things are looking up!


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Day!

Well, it's back to reality...dishes and laundry to do! No,..things don't get done around here unless I do them or nag to have them done. C'est la vie!

Oh well, I did make some progress with listening to my course...I got to the third one. There's 5 in all.

I feel somewhat better today, thank goodness! I have my Intro To Interior Decorating course tonight and I don't really want to miss any before I do my presentation next week. I'll have to make sure I don't over do today. Which I tend to do. Not knowing when to quit has always been a problem for me.

I called in sick again today but I am feeling somewhat better. Hopefully, I'll be able to go back tomorrow.

I'd like to write down a game plan for myself...see if I can find some direction to go to. Maybe after a hot shower, a cup of coffee, it sounds like a good thing to do.

Here's to baby steps!


Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm Sick but...

Well, it was unavoidable...I tried everything I could not to get this terrible cold but it couldn't be helped. I was forced to call in sick today. I usually drag myself in there because I've always been old faithful...the one they take for granted and know that no matter what, I'll be there. Sorry, boys...not this time.

On the good side, this may be the opportunity for me to catch up on reading and listening to my courses. Something positive has to come from this...after all, it's a beautiful day out. I can hear the birds singing, or at least, I'm trying to...they tore down a building on the next block and I can hear the jackhammers working their way through concrete. lol. Oh well.

I've got to push through and persevere...hopefully, I can turn this week into a productive one. I'd also like to look into an Ebay business as another income stream to make up for any down time in my other business.

My goal, is to find multiple streams of income, like Barbara Sher suggested...if I'd like to bring in such and such an amount for the year, I break it up into multiple mini-income streams to add up to the larger amount. This way, it takes the pressure off.

I, myself, think that sounds like fun.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spring is in the Air

It's a beautiful sunny, Sunday morning...the birds are singing... and I'm stuck inside with this miserable cold.

I did get the first and 3 quarters of the second Staging Diva course listened to. The thing is, they're two hours a piece. I've listened to them before, it's more review. I need to get past the third one.

I also need to get started on my presentation. I only have one week to get it done. It shouldn't take too long...just a matter of getting my samples and put my ideas down to create this room. I'm not too concerned about it but the longer I put this off, the more stressful it will be. So, I really should be getting it done.

Anyway, hope you are all enjoying your Sunday morning.

Til next time!


Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, I'm fighting a small cold but I plan on taking advantage of this small down time to catch up on some reading. As I told you before, I have a few courses and ebooks to read and then some. I need to formulate a plan to read and prepare for all this stuff.

In the process of all this, I also need to formulate my presentation for my course that I'm taking in Intro to Interior Decorating...we have to do a presentation on an imaginary client. We have to prepare a room for her and sell it to the rest of the class. So, I volunteered to be one in the first group going on May 1st. I'm terrified of public speaking or speaking in crowds that are all staring at me...I hate it.

But, I am turning this around to be a positive experience...I want to use this as practice to do a presentation someday, with realtors. I know that they have weekly meetings and I was told to do a 15 minute presentation for them. So, I'd like to use this as my practice jumping board.

I suppose, I should also make a trip out to a few flooring places and start planning my project. I do have some ideas in mind. I really don't have any time to waste. Oh my, I guess my weekend has just gotten fuller, hasn't it.

Oh, well, one thing at a time. This is all for a learning experience. I have to start somewhere.

Till next time.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Entering a new venture

Well, this is a new venture for me...I've been hearing so much about blogging, I thought I'd give it a whirl. I think this might be a good way to record my progress on starting my home business.

I've already picked out a name of which, I might add is a little flexible as far as it doesn't limit me on what I can do.

My goal, is to open a home staging and re-decorating business for people who are too busy to get their homes ready to sell. Later on, I'd like to add a storefront where I can sell decorating accessories, etc.

I've always been interested in decorating but even more so over the past few years only because a realtor suggested one time that I become a house-fluffer. Of which, I had no idea what this was. I asked her, she said it was, 'a person who comes in and fluffs up your house to sell'.

I'd always known that I had different talents in painting, decorating, creative talents, sewing, etc. but I never knew that I could actually create a job for myself. So, I began to research and ask around.

Of course, fear has always played a factor in why I've taken so long to actually do something about it. Mind you, I have evolved over the last 2 or 3 years...and when I turned 40 on my last birthday, I felt hopeful about my future. I really feel that it's time for a change.

I've bought the Staging Diva's courses on starting a Home Staging business and also bought her ebook on creating a profile that will sell my business. I've also subscribed to other home staging newsletters and bought other ebooks regarding this subject. I figured if I could get well informed, it would boost my confidence.

I'm also in the process of taking an Intro to Interior Decorating course at my local community college.

I also love organizing as well, so of course, I also want to incorporate this into my business as well. I love taking chaos and turning it into something to be proud of. Especially if it makes someones life easier.

I've also got an ebook about starting an organizing business. I figured, you can never be too well informed.

I am finding it a little hard, working a full time job and trying to get this going but it's just a matter of getting focused and getting a plan in motion.

The Fast Track To Your Dreams community also helps...I've been listening to the teleclasses and reading some of the materials and I just have to grab the time when I can squeeze it in.

Here's to my progress!