Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well, I'm fighting a small cold but I plan on taking advantage of this small down time to catch up on some reading. As I told you before, I have a few courses and ebooks to read and then some. I need to formulate a plan to read and prepare for all this stuff.

In the process of all this, I also need to formulate my presentation for my course that I'm taking in Intro to Interior Decorating...we have to do a presentation on an imaginary client. We have to prepare a room for her and sell it to the rest of the class. So, I volunteered to be one in the first group going on May 1st. I'm terrified of public speaking or speaking in crowds that are all staring at me...I hate it.

But, I am turning this around to be a positive experience...I want to use this as practice to do a presentation someday, with realtors. I know that they have weekly meetings and I was told to do a 15 minute presentation for them. So, I'd like to use this as my practice jumping board.

I suppose, I should also make a trip out to a few flooring places and start planning my project. I do have some ideas in mind. I really don't have any time to waste. Oh my, I guess my weekend has just gotten fuller, hasn't it.

Oh, well, one thing at a time. This is all for a learning experience. I have to start somewhere.

Till next time.

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