Saturday, January 12, 2008

Feeling Frustrated!

Well, it is now the 12th day of January and all around me, I've seen signs of people starting diet and exercise programs while I sit here waiting to get better from possible pneumonia. I say possible because the last visit to the E.R. turned out to be frustrating in itself. I was arguing with a doctor who tried to tell me that I never had pneumonia. Go figure! We both looked at my xrays which did not change. He's trying to say this because at the bottom of the xray it says 'Normal Examination'...he openly admitted that he was not an xray technician and didn't know how to read these things but because it said that, he refused to accept that that's what I had. So he prescribed puffers instead. He was confused about what day it was so I didn't have a whole lot of confidence in the man.

Needless to say, I'm still not better and I feel like life is passing me by right now while everyone is busily getting on with theirs. There are so many things that I want to delve into and look at...I know, I know...I'll simply have to take one thing at a time and slowly begin somewhere. I just always seem to feel some confusion about what I'd like to do with my life.

I joined the 'Live Your Best Life' challenge with Bob Greene and Oprah Winfrey. She says that you can start living your best life once you figure out what that is...I guess I could at least try to figure that out while I can't exactly exercise just yet. Although, I'm supposed to start eating healthier so I guess I can do two out of the three things I'm supposed to do. So I guess, I feel somewhat better now that I've gotten this off my chest.

Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, since my last post...I've still got pneumonia and now a sinus infection to go along with it. I don't think these new antibiotics are working so it looks like I have to go back in to the E.R. to see what they say. I have to go to the E.R. because I no longer have a family doctor...he was forced to retire due to illness himself.

Since being sick, I've been forced to re-evaluate my life...and my future. Sometimes, I think that God sends me illness to make me stop or slow down. Otherwise, I wouldn't! Plain and simple! I got heavily involved in the youth ministry at our church...which was extremely rewarding at the beginning but got to be a little too much in the end. Which wasn't the point I started it with anyway. God knew that. I got so busy that I no longer had time for Him, which was the purpose of working for Him anyway. So it became almost pointless...or ironic. So, being sick, I've been forced to take a back seat and re-evaluate a few things.

I want to start creating a base for my business and start looking at making a go at that again. I had let fear rule me for a long time...but while re-looking at my life over the past year, I've come to realize that I've accomplished quite a bit in a year. I left my dreaded job of almost six years to go to my ideal job if I were to stay on the work force. Also, the youth ministry has given me great rewards as well.

The youth ministry, although it kept me very busy, is to me, a training period for bigger and better things. I have been thinking of a few different businesses that I could start just from the stuff I've done for them. Plus, I'm looking at things a little differently now and I'm not as scared as I once was. Which makes me view life a little differently...maybe even a bit excited at the prospects of the future. Even though I don't know what the future holds...only God knows that. But I need to slow down long enough so I can listen to where He wants to send me.

First things first...I need to concentrate on getting well...then I can begin with my dreams! Here's to 2008! Let's see where it leads me!

Happy New Years Everyone!