Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well, since my last post...I've still got pneumonia and now a sinus infection to go along with it. I don't think these new antibiotics are working so it looks like I have to go back in to the E.R. to see what they say. I have to go to the E.R. because I no longer have a family doctor...he was forced to retire due to illness himself.

Since being sick, I've been forced to re-evaluate my life...and my future. Sometimes, I think that God sends me illness to make me stop or slow down. Otherwise, I wouldn't! Plain and simple! I got heavily involved in the youth ministry at our church...which was extremely rewarding at the beginning but got to be a little too much in the end. Which wasn't the point I started it with anyway. God knew that. I got so busy that I no longer had time for Him, which was the purpose of working for Him anyway. So it became almost pointless...or ironic. So, being sick, I've been forced to take a back seat and re-evaluate a few things.

I want to start creating a base for my business and start looking at making a go at that again. I had let fear rule me for a long time...but while re-looking at my life over the past year, I've come to realize that I've accomplished quite a bit in a year. I left my dreaded job of almost six years to go to my ideal job if I were to stay on the work force. Also, the youth ministry has given me great rewards as well.

The youth ministry, although it kept me very busy, is to me, a training period for bigger and better things. I have been thinking of a few different businesses that I could start just from the stuff I've done for them. Plus, I'm looking at things a little differently now and I'm not as scared as I once was. Which makes me view life a little differently...maybe even a bit excited at the prospects of the future. Even though I don't know what the future holds...only God knows that. But I need to slow down long enough so I can listen to where He wants to send me.

First things first...I need to concentrate on getting well...then I can begin with my dreams! Here's to 2008! Let's see where it leads me!

Happy New Years Everyone!

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