Wednesday, April 25, 2007

An Evening To Myself!

I went to my Intro to Interior Decorating class last night and rather enjoyed it. It was great practice for when I Home Stage. We looked at rooms in houses that were on the market 6 months ago and we dissected them. Picked them apart so to speak. These houses believe it or not were in the value of $259,000. I was really shocked at how little you could get for that price. I expected more for the value.

I'm sure I'll come across more than that though...mind you, that's where I come in. I know I can make these homes look much better and add better value to these homes. This exercise really reassured me as to my own skill at doing this.


I went to work intention was to just go in for the morning and come home in the afternoon...that didn't happen. Both my bosses aren't feeling good either. Since I am on the mend, I offered to stick around. I'll be in the whole day tomorrow. I was hoping to rest and listen to another course.

But as luck would have it, I have the evening to myself tonight...the boys are out (husband/son), so my plan is to throw a load of laundry in and listen to another course. Hopefully, I'll have no interuptions!

Things are looking up!


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