Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I Know It's Been A Few Days!

Well, I know it's been a few days since I've been here, but with good reason. I've been quite busy getting my presentation ready for my Intro to Interior Decorating class. Of course, it was sooo last minute rush. I worked right up to 15 minutes before the class. Whew! I know I just gave new meaning to cutting it close.

I did it though...I was third to present. I, of course, forgot a couple things but over all got good reviews from the rest of the class. The teacher had us give everyone positive feedback on sheets of paper to everyone after they were done. It was like getting fan mail...lol.

It's so great how everyone in the class (16 in all), can present the same room but have a different spin on it every time. That's what I love about decorating...there are only good ideas...no really wrong answers. There were some really great ideas presented.

Overall, it was a fun learning project. It gave me a really great outline for researching a project from start to finish. Mind you, it's a little different way of doing things for me...it really is a long process that I just go with the flow when I work...I wait for the inspiration to hit me and off I go and build from there.

It was a great learning experience,


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