Monday, May 21, 2007

What an experience!

Well, I just came back from a Spiritual Retreat this past was called 'Raising Up an Army' and was held in Amherst, NS. It was truly an uplifting experience. I felt almost lost when I arrived there but felt like a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders once I left. It was so awesome!

There were skits, mass, men's groups, women's groups, music ministry, and the boys had a huge pillow fight. It's geared for mostly the teens but everyone (we were mostly supposed to be chaperones) can benefit, of course. There was a four-hour adoration with confessions. There was a lot of crying and unburdening but certainly well worth the trip. It was fun.

They have another one being held in October...hopefully, we can experience it again. Apparently, this has been going on for the past 16 years. The priest that they had guest speaking, walked on his hands for the kids. That was pretty cool. What person can actually say they've seen that?

Anyway, it's back to reality tomorrow and back to the j-o-b. Oh well, at least I'll have the happy feelings from the weekend to get me through.

Take care and God Bless,


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