Thursday, June 28, 2007


Well, I guess you could say that things are changing for me...slowly but surely. I've been volunteering at my church in the youth ministry called Life Teen program. We do an evening mass on Sunday evenings from 6:15pm to about 7:50pm. No one really minds that it goes for that a matter of fact, we have to encourage people to leave because they stay to talk to one another afterwards.

At around 8pm we go to the center and entertain the teens with skits, talks, prayer, games, music (praise & worship) and of course, we have environments that we've set up previously to coordinate with our theme of the evening. I'm getting a chance to use my gifts and talents that God gave me and having so much fun.

We've met other families and grown quite close together as a community because of this. There were people we'd just know to say 'hello' to before and now, they know our's so wonderful!

Our son is in the music ministry plus he helps out on Friday nights with the Edge, which is the group for the kids in grade 6 to 8. It's quite similar to the Life Teen program. We do similar things with them as well.

He has blossomed with this as well...he used to be shy and uninvolved until he met some of the Net Team in person...they made him feel quite welcome and it began from there. We were at risk of losing the program so I decided to follow my heart and volunteer...I filled out the paperwork...and this weekend, we (my husband and I), will be commisioned into the Core Team...we were Leaders In Training before. I just feel the need to continue because I know that's what God wants for me.

I seriously have felt myself growing with outlook on everything has literally feels like a lightbulb went on inside of me. I feel alive and happy. I know that this doesn't pay the bills but it's giving me more confidence than I ever thought possible and I feel that it's just a matter of time before I take that 'leap of faith' and go for my business.

Right now, I'm quite busy helping out with all this...literally, I have Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday evenings, and Sunday from 1pm to 11pm completely booked with the volunteering. Which leaves me with Monday, Thursday and Saturday to get anything else done that I'd like.

I will be finding out on Tuesday whether I will have the chance to start soon with the job across the hall. If its meant to happen, it will. Right now, I'm basically following where God wants me to go. I seriously don't feel afraid anymore...this feeling is so awesome.

I will probably be working on it (my business) this Monday because I have it off because of Canada Day. I'll be getting some info together to get a website up and running...I have a friend who will be helping me get this up and off the ground. Then I'll be getting my business cards done and I want to get a list of people to contact (like realtors). I know of a couple who I might be able to work with. It will all be a wait and see thing.

Anyway, that's what's been going on with me so far...I know the posts have been few and far between but as you can see...I've been quite busy...but I'm happy. It is sometimes hard to be patient but overall, I've been quite patient, if not, almost dead inside...since joining this youth ministry, I've come to my future feels hopeful and exciting!

Take care and God Bless!


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